Hai sa ne imaginam putin ca schimbam scenariul.
Hai sa schimbam putin detaliile.
Cel mai probabil va durea sa renunt la atatea memorii, atatea relatari.
Dar daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, probabil imi va fi de folos.
Uneori tot ce am nevoie e o treapta de la TNB, cateva ore in care comoditatea sa isi faca loc in culcusul de zbucium si durere la care refuz sa renunt. Probabil ca am impresia ca daca tin cu dintii de ceva ce a trecut, ceva ce nu imi apartine imi va fi mai usor sa uit si sa trec peste. Partea proasta e ca nu e deloc asa. Cu cat refuz sa dau drumul si sa uit, cu atat imi va fi mai greu sa imbratisez libertatea si puterea de a hotari pentru sine.
Desi aseara ora la care mergeam singura pe strada era cam prea tarzie pentru o minora, mai ales in cartierul meu, ma simteam in largul meu. Imi parea ca sunt invizibila, si ca nimeni nu vrea sa imi aduca aminte de responsabilitatile mele, de lucrurile pe care le incep si le las neterminate cu talent redobandit dupa incercari disperate de a-l renega. Nu simteam nicio apasare in calatoria mea de pe Bulevardul Kiseleff, urmand Lascar Catargiu si incheind cu linia Magheru - Balcescu - Bratianu ajungand la Unirii, urcand spre Sf. Vineri si asteptand fara niciun fel de emotie tramvaiul.
Uneori am impresia ca daca merg pe jos ma indepartez de probleme, ma indepartez de dezamagiri, ca intr-un fel se rezolva singure in timp ce merg... Uneori mi se pare ca este exact asa... Desi ghemul asta de fire ale povestilor tragice sau comice ce imi fac scenariul vietii un fel de telenovela proasta la care unii plang pacehte intregi de servetele imi lasa impresia ca nu este real.
Am trait atata timp intr-un balon de sapun, aparent incolor si prin care aveam impresia ca vad lucrurile exact asa cum erau ele, ma inselam amarnic. A inceput sa bata vantul, praful se invartea in vartejuri ametitoare iar tunetele si fulgerele nu au intarziat sa isi faca aparitia. Bucati de vise spulberate, farame de durere, si un miros de dorinte inecate umplura atmosfera, scuturand praful de pe cele mai mari temeri ale mele. Singurele domenii ale vietii mele care nu mi le-as fi dorit sa se destrame au cazut in tarana si mi se parea ca toata lumea, fiecare persoana in parte din atatea milioane sta la coada sa imi calce visele si dorintele in picioare, la fel ca un soi rautacios de dorinta morbida de a vedea pe cineva cum sufera, cum i se ia si ultima raza de speranta. Familia, scoala, persoanele de care aveam nevoia cea mai mare, toate pareau sa dispara intr-un nor de praf mentinut in aer si intr-o continua miscare de furtuna in care intrasem, intocmai ca mi se parea ca nu voi iesi niciodata din ea. Nici acum, dupa ani de zile de furtuna nu mi se pare ca vremea se va imbunatati prea curand... desi aerul este mai usor de respirat, desi uneori mi se pare ca norii sunt mai putin negrii decat ieri, desi mi se pare ca vantul a incetat iar norii de praf nu se mai ridica intunecandu-mi orizontul si scufundandu-mi orice speranta de mai bine... tot nu e mai bine. Poate ca nu va fi niciodata. Poate ca asta imi va fi viitorul, sumbru, intunecat si intr-o furtuna continua. Poate ca nu voi mai vedea niciodata albastrul unui cer senin iar razele soarelui sa ma imbie si sa ma indemne sa visez. Poate ca ... atat.
Nimic mai mult.
Poate ca am meritat-o.
Poate ca mi-am facut-o cu mana mea. Poate ca timpul de visare si iluzii pe care l-am petrecut in balonasul meu de sapun, intr-o lume perfecta si lipsita de orice grijuri si probleme a fost doar un magnet pentru a atrage o binemeritata pedeapsa. Recent am regasit o melodie de-a lu' Lee Ann Womack - Why they call it fallin :
But you can't live you life
Walkin in the clouds
Sooner or later
You have to come down.
It's like a knife
Through the heart
When it all comes apart
It's like someone takes a pin to your balloon
It's a hole
It's like a cave
It's kinda like a grave
When he tells you that he's found somebody new
So why they call it fallin
Why they call it fallin
Why they call it fallin
Now I know
Bine, faza cu "When he tells you that he's found somebody new" nu se poate aplica in totalitate. Nu stiu sigur daca din pacate sau nu, asta se aplica partial si doar de la o vreme incoace. Si nu stiu daca "found somebody new" se pune [:P]. Nu stiu daca are rost sa intru iarasi in subiectul de corazon si sa imi plang de mila din nou, pentru ca stiu ca aici nu poate interveni NIMENI.
"...'cuz I don't want the world to se me, 'cuz I don't think that they'll understand ... " [GooGoo Dolls - Iris]
Si nu stiu ... Niciodata nu mi s-a parut mai greu sa ma ridic din tarana si sa incerc sa ma scutur de praf, sa incerc sa imi sterg ochii de lacrimi, sa incerc sa imi desclestez gura si sa pot articula un sunet decat acum, cand vad cum, inca odata, totul mi s-a naruit inaintea ochilor. Dupa ce pierzi un parinte nu poate fi mai tragic decat sa simti cum il pierzi si pe celalalt. Dupa ce simti ca viitorul nu va fi niciodata asa cum ti-a fost scris pentru ca "mami" te-a bagat in liceu "particular" si ai impresia ca aici lucrurile vor fi mereu pe dos ... Dupa ce el, baiatul la care nu ti-ai dat seama ca tii atat de mult pana cand nu a trebuit sa tai filmul si sa incerci sa te porti normal, fiind fortata de "imprejurari"... Dupa ce am refuzat sansa vietii mele, pe care am castigat-o cu sudoarea fruntii si lacrimile ce mi-au spalat obrajii luni in sir, am refuzat, nu mi-am luat adio de la o viata plina de amar si tulburari, am refuzat, o data, nu am plecat intr-o directie care parea visul fiecaruia, copil, adolescent sau adult, am refuzat a doua oara, si a treia oara, poate o "oferta" mai buna ca alta, pentru a putea fi aproape de cineva, de "cineva" care ma considera un "ceva" de care s-a putut lipsi, "ceva" care poate fi inlocuit de se sparge sau se strica, sau poate inlocuit cu ceva mai bun, mai nou, mai modern.
Pentru ca a-ti plange dezamagirea si amarul este considerata tulburare psihica, intr-un termen mai comod "emo", pentru ca a-ti deschide sufletul si a imbratisa ceva ce ofera intr-un final decat dezolare si tristete este stupid, este "aiurea". Pentru ca a simti nevoie de o imbratisare calda de la "cineva", sa incerci sa iubesti, sa pretuiesti, sa il consideri al tau, se dovedeste astazi a fi decat o prostie.
O prostie care ne face sa ne aratam latura umana si sensibilitatea. Care le poti vedea scuipate si facute de rusine in fata mentalitatii moderne.
Pentru ce atata batjocura fata de noi insine? Pentru ce?
Imi doresc atatea raspunsuri, dar nu am inca toate intrebarile. Nu am ideile pus in ordine in cap. Nu imi pot explica propriile-mi actiuni, propriile gesturi. Deocamdata... nu.
14 oct. 2008
5 oct. 2008
Wait me by the corner. I'd might be runing late.
Have you ever had a feeling, just sort of like a deja-vu, and then that thing really to happen? Or a feeling of a need to do something? Like an urge, an emergency, something without the fate of the world will never be the same. That is tomorrow, I'll see what will happen. I'll try. I die, so what?, I'll go see Father, I don't die, so what again, I'll stay on this side of the world and try to keep my morals UP, and survive. With or without the one that holds the key to my heart.
Sadly. Extremely sadly. I have fallen for a guy that has no idea what world he lives in, I couldn't be asking for him to know of he would, in the future - most probably, like to "get together sometime".
My tears won't dry too easy, because, I don't know, I have no idea, why, every time I say I'm getting over and I'm Not gonna keep wanting him back, I go even deeper inside a wish for us to be together.
Ugh, I hate myself when I'm like this. Deppresive, ready to burst into tears and feeling tired from keeping my hopes up.
Why do I keep doing this?
In the middle of the night, while her body lies in lack of life, her one last breath is dedicated...
"To you, Keyholder of my heart and grief. To You, my Lord and Shepperd. " No one knows what made her do this, what determined her to jump into desolation and a cry for help that was never responsed. No one will ever know her last thought and and her last breath were torn to the one that broke her heart and dreams into pieces.
No one ever will know.
Sadly. Extremely sadly. I have fallen for a guy that has no idea what world he lives in, I couldn't be asking for him to know of he would, in the future - most probably, like to "get together sometime".
My tears won't dry too easy, because, I don't know, I have no idea, why, every time I say I'm getting over and I'm Not gonna keep wanting him back, I go even deeper inside a wish for us to be together.
Ugh, I hate myself when I'm like this. Deppresive, ready to burst into tears and feeling tired from keeping my hopes up.
Why do I keep doing this?
In the middle of the night, while her body lies in lack of life, her one last breath is dedicated...
"To you, Keyholder of my heart and grief. To You, my Lord and Shepperd. " No one knows what made her do this, what determined her to jump into desolation and a cry for help that was never responsed. No one will ever know her last thought and and her last breath were torn to the one that broke her heart and dreams into pieces.
No one ever will know.
2 oct. 2008
Made me think it'll last forever.
Ora de romana. Somn. Amintirile navalesc intr-o cascada de detalii si un fior scurt imi cutremura tot corpul. Seara de sfarsit de august...
"... sometimes you just don't know how to stop. You got me on going with you, got me enjoying what I had with you. All of the sudden you tried to go away, came back, went away, came back again, and again and again, and again, so that you got me in a freakin' carousel of feelings, ocean of anger and a wave of destruction. Got me going crazy in the way that love makes you go, and then, the inevitable fall coming right after you get on the top of the hill, dreaming you're on top of the clouds and seeing how it all goes round and round and round again.
I got that warm fuzzy felling while he held me in his arms. Remembering the scent of his cologne, clean clothes and fresh sheets, vanilla and maybe some cinnamon, and a little bit of spices, just to lighten up the tempo...
His shirt is still lying around my room and his scent is still haunting my memory,making me remember each moment, each word, each stupid joke, each touch and every failed try to tickle, ending with a play fight and a long cuddle and a tender kiss... made me think it'll last forever...
You told me in a soft, but wicked whisper as a tickle scene is off " You're my first official girl, and maybe even the last one ". Of course, I felt like I was melted in the pillow I was sitting on, and then recalling the things you said in the beginning of the night, watching that damn cryable 'P.S.: I love you' movie "evertime I wake up, all I want to do is see your face" ...
"... sometimes you just don't know how to stop. You got me on going with you, got me enjoying what I had with you. All of the sudden you tried to go away, came back, went away, came back again, and again and again, and again, so that you got me in a freakin' carousel of feelings, ocean of anger and a wave of destruction. Got me going crazy in the way that love makes you go, and then, the inevitable fall coming right after you get on the top of the hill, dreaming you're on top of the clouds and seeing how it all goes round and round and round again.
I got that warm fuzzy felling while he held me in his arms. Remembering the scent of his cologne, clean clothes and fresh sheets, vanilla and maybe some cinnamon, and a little bit of spices, just to lighten up the tempo...
His shirt is still lying around my room and his scent is still haunting my memory,making me remember each moment, each word, each stupid joke, each touch and every failed try to tickle, ending with a play fight and a long cuddle and a tender kiss... made me think it'll last forever...
You told me in a soft, but wicked whisper as a tickle scene is off " You're my first official girl, and maybe even the last one ". Of course, I felt like I was melted in the pillow I was sitting on, and then recalling the things you said in the beginning of the night, watching that damn cryable 'P.S.: I love you' movie "evertime I wake up, all I want to do is see your face" ...
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